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About Consecutive Sudoku Puzzles

Consecutive Sudoku Rules

The rules of Consecutive Puzzles are as follows:

Here is an image of the start position of a Consecutive Sudoku puzzle:

Consecutive Sudoku Puzzle

Noting the rules above, and looking at the example grid above, we can see that the most powerful squares are those where we have a 1 or a 9 given next to a consecutive marker. Because then we know the partner square must contain a 2 or an 8 respectively. For instance, if you look at the 1 at the bottom-right of the grid, then we know the square immediately under it must be 2.

If you would like a visual explanation of the rules, here is a video outlining the above:

Play A Sample Consecutive Sudoku Puzzle

If you'd like to have a go at solving A Consecutive Sudoku Puzzle, then you can play the example shown above in our Online Consecutive Sudoku Puzzle Player

If you enjoy this puzzle type, you can join our online Puzzle Connoisseur's Club for £12 or $17 a year and play a new Consecutive Sudoku Puzzle puzzle every day of the year, together with many other fun and interesting logic puzzles.

Strategy and Solving Tips for Consecutive Sudoku Puzzles

Consecutive sudoku puzzles can be tough to solve. Like many sudoku variants, you will often start slowly, making gradual progress, before reaching a point where you have enough information for the rest of the grid to collapse. All puzzles can be solved without guessing and have a single solution. Here are a few solving and strategy tips for consecutive sudoku puzzles: